Wirral Health Career Challenge Day

Scouts & YL's


Wirral Health Career Challenge Day


Saturday 3rd March 18


Wirral University Trust Hospital Education Centre, Arrowe Park Hospital

Meeting place and time:

Meeting at the location above 9:15 am   

Collection place and time:

All children to be collected from the location above 4:00 pm  


No cost

Transport details:

Young members will need to be transported by parents, or make arrangements with other parents attending.  Minibus is available with limited places, please contact Hawkeye.


Various Activities centred around Health and NHS Careers.

Further details:

Packed Lunch Required - Uniform should be worn (Scout Shirts & Necker, with comfortable clothing for indoor activities)  

Organiser  contact details:

Andrew Pickersgill - AKA HAwkeye

Tel: 07952 987 402 - email: hawkeye@12thwallasey.org

IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Contact details during the event:

In the event of an emergency at home you must in the first instance contact:

Andy Pickersgill - AKA Hawkeye mobile: 07952 987 402

Alternative number - Pol Pickersgill (aka Sunshine) 07913 230 030 

In the event of an emergency at the event you will be contacted by the above


Group Permission Form - Health Career Challenge Day

Event: Wirral Health Career Challenge Day

I have noted the arrangements above and agree to the named young person taking part. I understand that the event leader reserves the right to send any participants home if deemed necessary.

Disclaimer: If it becomes necessary for the above named young person to receive medical treatment and I cannot be contacted to authorise this, I hereby give my general consent to any necessary medical treatment and authorise the Leader in Charge to sign any document required by the hospital authorities.

I have provided all of my child’s medical information and my child is fit to participate in the event. I understand I will receive an email with my child's latest health details and will reply to note any changes, including to reply if there are none!