All Sections Christmas Camp

Friday 22nd November 2019 to Sunday 24th November 2019

Dear Parents

We are excited to announce our first Christmas Camp for all sections!

The camp will take place from Friday 22nd November 2019 to Sunday 24th November 2019 at Forest Camp, Cheshire.

The cost will be no more than £35 per member, dependent on numbers attending.

Beavers & Cubs will sleep inside a building & Scouts will be camping outdoors in tents. The cost includes lots of fun filled Christmas themed activities and adventures, and a full Christmas dinner is planned for Saturday night of camp!  

Secret Santa – it wouldn’t be a Christmas camp if we didn’t have Secret Santa! We usually recommend a cost of £5 each and names are picked out of a hat nearer the time, so you know who to buy for. This will be an additional cost on top of the camp fees.

A non-refundable deposit of £10 is required by next Monday, 7th October 2019 – this is necessary in order to secure the booking. We can then set up camp bank for you to pay the remaining balance over the next 8 weeks – ALL PAYMENTS TO BE MADE BY CASH TO SECTION LEADERS.

Any queries, please speak with your child’s section leaders or the Group Scout Leader, their contact details are below.

Beaver, Cub & Scout Section Leaders 

beavers@12thwallasey.org or cubs@12thwallasey.org or scouts@12thwallasey.org - Group Scout Leader debbie.peers@12thwallasey.org

Group All Sections Christmas Camp 2019

Please indicate which section your child is in:

I give permission for my child to take part in the All Section Christmas Camp, taking place at Forest Camp, Cheshire from Friday 22nd November to Sunday 24th November 2019.

Please indicate the appropriate response regarding payments below:

We will email you with full details of the camp closer to the event, including a kit list and requirements for completing the appropriate health information details.