Remembrance Sleepover & Church Parade 2019


Dear Parents, Scouts, Cubs & Beavers

The Group Sleepover & Parade Service will be taking place this year from Saturday 9th November 2019 to Sunday 10th November 2019.

More details will follow, but we do not anticipate this to cost more than £10 per member

We are hopeful that we can include a day of activities, for the Beavers and Cubs, and something a little different for the Scouts.  There will also be a activties in the evening of the sleepover for our young members, and a special Church Parade on the Sunday morning.

Full details and timings will be issued closer to the event, but we expect the weekend activities to start at 10:00am Saturday, with members being collected on Sunday following Parade at 11:45am - Once we have details of the numbers interested, we will confirm the daytime activities.

Please register your child’s interest in attending this activity & sleepover below. 

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

Yours in Scouting

Debbie (Tic-Tac)

Group Scout Leader -email: debbie.peers@12thwallasey.org


Group Remembrance Sleepover & Parade Service 2019

Please tick which section your child is with:

We will email you the Young Person Information Form for your child to verify all details are correct for this acticity. If you have not completed the form, please click on Letters Home above and vist the link. Thank you.

Please tick below to confirm: