This form is used to collect information about your young person for the purpose of the event named below, this is to be used by the Section Leaders only. As part of this form we collect personal data about you and youryoung person, this detail is required so that we can register them for the event. This form also collects sensitive (special category) data about your young person, this detail is required so that we can offer additional support if required and keep your young person safe whilst in our care. We may share your personal data in this form with third parties, we do this for event registration. These third parties are used on the basis that they align with our data privacy policies. We take your personal data privacy seriously. The data you provide to us is securely stored (based on local arrangements) and will be kept for 2 months after the event for any queries that arise before being securely destroyed. For further detail please visit our Data Protection Policy here.

Scouts Activity, Sleepover & Church Parade

Scout Section Only (Beavers & Cubs have separate form)


Activity, Sleepover & Church Parade


10/11/18 to 11/11/18 


Serpentine Road Family Church (main base, with activities in New Brighton)

Meeting place and time:

See Letter for Full Details   

Collection place and time:

See Letter for Full Details  


£15 (see letter for details)

Transport details:

See separate letter for full details


Daytime activities, Sleepover and Church Parade

Further details:

Organiser  contact details:

Steve Winter 

Tel: 07789 873 982 - email: scouts@12thwallasey.org

IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Contact details during the event:

In the event of an emergency at home you must in the first instance contact:

Steve Winter - Mobile: 07789 873 982 or Andrew (Hawkeye) Mobile: 07952 987 402

In the event of an emergency at the event you will be contacted by the either of the above


Note: All activities will be run in accordance with The Scout Association’s safety Rules. No responsibility for the personal equipment/clothing and effects can be accepted by the organisers and The Scout Association does not provide automatic insurance cover in respect to such items.

Group Activity Form - Sleepover & Church Parade

Please tick which section your child is in:

Event: Daytime Activity, Sleepover & Church Parade Service

I have noted the arrangements above and agree to the named young person taking part. I understand that the event leader reserves the right to send any participants home if deemed necessary.

Disclaimer: If it becomes necessary for the above named young person to receive medical treatment and I cannot be contacted to authorise this, I hereby give my general consent to any necessary medical treatment and authorise the Leader in Charge to sign any document required by the hospital authorities.

I have provided all of my child’s medical information and my child is fit to participate in the event. I understand I will receive an email with my child's latest health details and will reply to note any changes, including to reply if there are none!