Group Summer Camp 2019

Expression of Interest


Dear Parents, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Young Leaders

We hope to deliver a Group Summer Camp this year, which will bring all sections together camping and experiencing a whole range of adventurous activities; such as Archery, Rafting, Crate Stacking, Climbing, Pioneering, Bell Boating and much much more!

Where: Great Tower Activity Centre, Cumbria - www.scoutadventures.org.uk/centre/great-tower

• Beavers – Monday 29th July to Wednesday 31st July (2 nights)
• Cubs – Sunday 28th July to Thursday 1st August (4 nights)
• Scouts – Saturday 27th July to Saturday 3rd August (7 nights)

How Much:
• Beavers – £80
• Cubs – £150
• Scouts – £200

A minimum take-up of 8 young members per section will be required to ensure this camp is viable, if we do not reach this number the camp may not run for that section, or the Group overall. For this reason, we are not asking for deposits with the initial expression of interest, but once numbers are confirmed we will then communicate further with those attending to arrange a payment plan.

What next: Expressions of interest must be completed before 24th February – to register please complete the form below, thank you.

Yours in Scouting

Hawkeye (AKA – Andrew Pickersgill)

Group Scout Leader – 12th Wallasey Scout Group
Email: hawkeye@12thwallasey.org Mobile: 07952 987 402

Group Summer Camp 2019

Please select which section your child is in:

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