12th Wallasey Scout Group Online

You can follow and interact with 12th Wallasey Scout Group in various ways online.

Our social media channels are not intended as ways to contact any members directly.

All of the Group's online activity conforms to Scouting Policy Organisation Rules, with additional informaiton available regarding Social Media & Scouting 


 Web - www.12thwallasey.org

If you wish to contact the Group, you can do so by using the contact us page from our website 


Twitter – @12thwallasey

The @12thwallasey Twitter account is managed by the Group's digital communications team.

We do not use any automation (such as tools which generate tweets from RSS feeds) to post content on Twitter.

If you follow @12thwallasey, you can expect regular tweets covering the following:

  1. News and Updates about what is happening in the Group and specific sections of the Group
    1. Scouts
    2. Cubs
    3. Beavers
    4. Leaders
  2. Information and updates whilst members are away during activities
  3. Travel Times and ETA's when returning from activities

If we follow an account it does not imply endorsement of any kind.

@ messages and direct messages

We review all @ messages every day, but as a general rule we do not reply to them. Even if we do not reply to you directly, that does not mean we aren’t listening to you.

In most circumstances we will not reply to direct messages. The limitations of Twitter’s format mean that we would not be able to give you a full and useful reply.


You can view our updates and timeline on Facebook just click the image above!